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The most important part of the healing process is keeping your piercing clean.


In certain cases even your own sweat can cause an infection.


Do not use alcohol spirits or peroxide on your piercing as these can cause healing complications. Use the solution provided or mix one with this recipe.


Its best to avoid public pools and hot tubs for a few weeks, but swimming in the sea is good for your piercing.


On the first few days clean your piercing more often using the after care liquid and ointment provided to you.


Put liquid on the Q-tip and clean the ring entirely so all substances are removed from the ring. then carefully apply a small dot of the oointment to the ring near the hole and then turn the ring back and forth a few times to make the ointment enter the pierced skin.


Do this more frequently on the first few days and then less as required.


Clean with solution before the shower. When you are in the shower - apply mild antibacterial soap to the ring and turn it back and forth thru the pierced skin. Repeat this process with plain water. As the soap is washed away the piercing becomes tighter to turn.


When you exit the shower dab dry with clean tissue and apply ointment and turn this through the pierced skin about 3 times back and forth.

Using piercing solution and a cotton bud (Q-tip)

Mix your own cleaning solution

Mix 1 part Dettol or Savlon
to 10 parts water


This means if you used a tablespoon of Dettol or Savlon - mix it with 10 of the same tablespoon of water. (10x the same amount you used)

Dettol or Savlon

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